36 New insights
These are 36 lessons of life that I choose to reflect upon:
- Appreciate the little things
- Wake up early when you can
- Challenges make you stronger
- Success is not linear
- Measure moments by presence
- Trust in the bigger story
- Become your own hero
- As you think – you become
- Be patient with people
- Boundaries are an act of self love
- Make play a priority
- Tell your parents you love them
- Your breath will guide you through anything
- Remember that life is magical
- Never stop being creative
- Eat with intention
- Love is a state of being you embody
- Listen to your intuition
- Believe in people’s potential
- Kindness is contagious
- Lead with love
- Strength is being flexible
- Be kind to yourself
- Watch as many sun rises and sunsets as you can
- Never let someone else’s kindness go unnoticed
- Hug more trees
- Dance the dream awake
- You are the ocean in a drop
- Remember to remember
- Speak your truth
- Ripples create waves
- Be a beacon for others
- Free Hugs forever
- Believe in yourself
- We grow older to learn how to live young
- Stand for tomorrow today
Thank you everyone for your kindness. I know this past year has been quite different then the previous 15 in which I was quite active online and creating content. But my heart has never stopped wanting to continue onwards. With my calling, my mission – where I am now is still equally a part of it. I remind myself that I’m exactly where I need to be in order to get to where I am going. And the most important thing I can do is be present with these moments. As a father, a friend, a lover, a son, and a leader.
In the past I officially made July 18, my birthday, World Free Hugs day. And as far as I’m concerned it still is! So all I ask is what I always have asked- the greatest gift we can all share is to shine the light of our authentic self. And so…keep doing that. That’s what I want! For you to be you. Because together- that is when our ripples make waves.
My kindness is your kindness.
Our love is the love. Always…